Saturday, May 31, 2008
when two crazy sisters are together..
KBOX photos are being uploaded into computer.
so i just dillgently upload it to blogger.
how nice of me, right?
self-praise are good occassionally, to boost my self esteem.
enjoy the photos!

i love this photo so much.
somehow, self-timer photos on the table are reflective in nature?

i HEART her!
she HEART me!

we are the combination of..........
a superman mask?

random funky shots*

the super cute side of me.
pleeeeasssssse don't puke!

this is when i got high!
in my business wear.


and a photo NOT related to KBOX.

end off with me, okay?

signing off-huiminz
Labels: KBOX loves..
She Smiled At11:40 PM
enjoyment before exams..
KBOX yesterday.
yes, you got me right.
right after lessons in Tourism Academic in Sentosa from 9am till 5pm,
i went down to ChinaTown to meet MaMa and Aunties for dinner.
We then rushed to KBOX in Hougang.
Singing Session starts from 7pm; straight till 3am.
I was in the same room with my Two Cousins.
They sang songs that makes me laugh all the way. HAHAHA!
But there are songs where they sing exceptionally well(:
I help my cousins chose quite a variety of songs.
Didn't chose alot of songs for myself.
Cause i find it weird to sing,
when they either don't understand the lyrics, or don't appreciate my singing.
so explain to me again, why should i waste my energy singing so much?
Hence, those songs that i chose to sing in that room are songs that they also know.
This way, they can sing with me!(:
Occassionally, i run to another room where my MaMa and my Aunties are.
Sang Oldies songs with them.
MORE appreciated then i'm in another room.
But NeverTheLess, i returned to the other room where my cousins are.
Cause it's kind of my responsibility to entertain and accompany and look after them.
So there you go, know you know how caring and thoughtful i am.
i waited for Sister Jia to arrive;only at 1opm.
And this is when i sing like mad.
cause at least i have accompany in Singing.
Plus She appreciate my singing much more than my cousins do.
Sister and I camwhore as usual.,
but sadly it wasnt uploaded into the computer yet.
I'll post the photos up IF i got time.
Everything ended at 2plus 3 in the morning.
MaMa, Sister and I cabbed home.
We got So high that we even sing on the Cab.
Slept all the way....
till 2pm in the afternoon today.
I'm the ONLY one whom woke up so late.
But man, try to understand i woke up at 6am yesterday to prepare to go for TAS while Sister and MaMa only woke up at 7plus.
*i'm just finding excuses for not being a pig,
so tell me i'm not a pig.(:
Today is spent,
or rather will stil be spent.

I find this photo cute;
but i
DON'T hate Accounting.
In Fact, it is love!
to study Accounting.
Cause it involves Maths.

Can't deny it can get real fed-up if the accounts Don't balance,
BUT at least it's better than subjects where i have to memorise like few hundred words.HAHAHA!
i'm suppose to study now;
but my mind just switch off for a moment.
This explain why i'm blogging.
i was searching for photos on accounting;
then i saw this:

OMG right?
it's so pretty, pleeeeeeeeeeeease!
and this:

better get on studying track.
till another day.
signing off-huiminz
Labels: a break from studies..
She Smiled At3:02 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
i feel like crying.
i'm sensative over every little tiny things.
i don't know.
leave me alone.
yet on the other hand,
when girls say "leave me alone", they usually mean the opposite.
i see a stranger in that reflection..

signing off-huiminz
Labels: just felt......................
She Smiled At11:09 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
i'm always that random..
lunch in tp!
i miss tp sooooooooo much,
especially the food.
cheap and nice!(:
well well, time flies.
6 weeks since i'm in TAS in sentosa already.
fast enough, i'll be schooling in TP again!
while i'm studying for bus etti test tomorrow,
my mind just floats away...
and i spotted dear's and mine ANIMAL blue slippers.
then i remembered i havnt blog about this
like how could i, right?
this is how it goes:
on the 13th may(which was like so damn long ago),
me and charlene went to
raffles city to buy slippers from ANIMAL.
we went all the way down there cause there arn't any size for my boyfriend in ANIMAL shop in
vivo city.
so kind charlene accompanied me there.

charlene bought a pair of slippers for herself.
and we helped carmen buy since she wants orange slippers!
and i bought one for myself and one of boyfriend!
bought the slipper for him,because......
i remembered he casually say he needs to go shop one day to buy slippers.
so i decided to buy one for him!
i'm still thinking if i should give him the gift as a 17th-month prezzie or just give him on just a random day.
and apparently, i chose the 2nd choice.
i write a note for him.

this is the gift for him!

i can't remember the exact words i wrote in the letter for him,
but it's something like
"i don't need any special day to let you know i love you"
and that's actually the purpose of the slippers as well.
i don't need any special day to pamper him.
nothing much about the slipper incident anymore.
i'm just happy we got a couple slipper.
cause both pairs are BLUE in colour; and similar in design.
oh yes,
he pay me $1.50 just an act as though he bought the slipper himself; cause it's a taboo to give other people slipper.
back to now.
i've changed my tagboard.
from cbox to flashbox.
cause cbox seems to cause a lot of pop-ups.
*credits to en ping(:
i miss 1k04.
i can't wait for next monday.
signing off-huiminz
Labels: there's no need for any special day..
She Smiled At10:52 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
super NO-link
i'm feeling lazy today.
lucky i finish my part for resort opt project, and done with att mgmt individual assigment, plus acc tutorial, and had send shermaine yap my part on resort opt field trip.
left with basic entrepreneurship draft, which is like due this friday?
and that irritating att mgmt project research,
and intro to L&R's project research.
why does my school work never seems to end?
i just re-arrange the stuff in my thumbdrive.
spotted photos which is supposed to be post up ages ago,
but i'm either too busy to even blog,
or i simply am too tired to upload photo.
so there you go.
i dillegently uploaded photos.
pot luck on the 20th may with group mates.

*i'm super happy.
cause there's pot luck lunch again, tomorrow.
this is randomly taken by charlene tan during project discussion.

and pamela was so nice,
she helped us tie bun for bus ett.

next up are super random shots of pple.

we took pretty photos of us in formal.

that's all taken during school hours,
i guess.
too busy with projects and assignments and tests,
that explain why i havn't take photos with thes rest of my classmates.

i got this design t-shirt.
a gift from dear when he return back from hong kong a month's ago.
signing off-huiminz
Labels: let my mind rest for a while..
She Smiled At11:07 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008
just like sem 1.1.
school was rather slack today.
1hour of apel,
which discussion topic was love, relationship and SEX.
and it's like 2k08 somehow become so hyper.
basic entrepreunship took up another hour.
fast fast; chop chop.
and 3hours break,
cause intro to L&R lecture was cancelled.
so lunch, project discussion, chit-chat, make-up.
that's was it.
that's what how we spend our 3hours break.
3hours tutorial was pretty draggy.
yet it ended earlier than it should,
ended after 2hours.
so intro to L&R test.
shant mention anything.
then came the interesting part.
dinner time with usual 3babes.

i really love the time we spent together,
it just seems like sem 1.1.

we cam whore like nobody's business.
so photos' time.

(actually if you notice, you are just imitiating the red creature on top)

love those three ladies to the max.
i want more of these.
today was so so happy,
cause i get to meet my boy.
yet dumb dumb me forget to pass him the 3puzzles that i am suppose to.
guess i'm overjoyed when he came to fetch me from park, that i forget a lot of stuff.
his presence just makes me feel so relax.
it's love everywhere.
signing off-huimin
Labels: i want more of these...
She Smiled At11:59 PM